8 Benefits Of Water Play For Children

Have you ever thought about the benefits of playing with water for your children? Don’t miss the details!
8 benefits of water play for kids

All children love playing with water. Plus, it’s a really fun way to keep them entertained. However, it is important that these games take place when it is not too cold.

There are many benefits of playing with water for children. You will be surprised and discover why these games are one of the most common childhood activities. Although the little ones play with water at school, why not play that way at home too?

water games

Water games consist of playing with this element using tools such as containers, toys, etc. The water should be in a large bowl or on a special table to play with, for example.

Little ones love being near a high table with water, playing with the tools and enjoying this essential element in our lives.

benefits of water play for children

The benefits of playing with water

Water games help children’s development, as they are as fun and important as playing with sand. Little ones are never bored! This simple activity builds skills in the four main areas of development: social, emotional, cognitive and physical.

1. Fine and gross motor skills

Developing fine and gross motor skills is important during early childhood. Children need to develop control of large and small muscle groups, and there is no better way to do this than having fun. Movements like pouring, filling, dipping, splashing, mixing, spraying, squeezing, and squeezing are great ways to develop these skills.

2. Concentration during water play

When children are playing with water, they abstract. They have so much fun that they concentrate without noticing as they explore and play. They are able to stay focused for a long period of time, which helps to increase their ability to concentrate over time. The benefits of this extend to formal learning, where being able to focus in the classroom is a vital skill.

3. Math skills

Water play  is a great option for children to develop basic math skills. It is necessary to learn these skills through play before formal math starts in school.

As children fill and empty containers of different sizes, they learn about volume and capacity and experiment with concepts like full and empty or more and less. They also learn about displacement when they move water from one place to another.

4. Scientific concepts during water play

Water games also allow you to experience scientific concepts in a practical way. The little ones learn basic physics by discovering different properties of water, such as:

  • Sand becomes heavier when mixed with water.
  • When sand is wet, it is different from when it is dry.
  • The water spills and falls to the ground (never upwards).
  • Air makes water move.
  • Depending on where you are, water changes shape.
  • Water can change from solid to liquid and from liquid to solid again.
  • There are things that float on water while others sink.

5. Language and vocabulary

A child’s vocabulary increases as he tries new things and learns to describe and understand what he is doing. By playing with water and with the various tools, toys and containers, the little ones develop a new vocabulary about these elements, as well as about the actions performed.

benefits of water play for children

6. Social skills

When children play together, they make more noise and have more energy. They also learn to deal with conflicts that may arise between them. Water games are activities that soothe and relax them.

They develop social skills as they learn to share and cooperate by playing with water together or pursuing common goals. In the beginning, it is normal for an adult to lead the children during play, although if they are left alone, you will be surprised to see how they manage to play without difficulty.

7. Sensory exploration through water play

Children love exploring through their senses, and water play is a great form of sensory play. Thus, it is important that the little ones have the opportunity to play with this element.

8. Skills to increase creativity

Water will also help them solve problems that may arise because it encourages creativity. They will have to think about how to add the right amount of water to a container, how to pour it without spilling, etc.

So, as you can see, the benefits of water play for children are many. This is a way to empower your mind. In this way, in addition to having fun, they also learn almost without realizing it. It’s the wonder of learning by playing!

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