6 Tricks To Keep Your Skin Hydrated And In Perfect Condition

The skin needs care and protection to stay healthy and beautiful, especially during times like pregnancy and after childbirth. While it sounds like a challenge, it’s actually quite simple. See the tricks we present below.
6 tricks to keep your skin hydrated and in perfect condition

Changes in the climate, hormonal disturbances, pollution, the sun, bad habits… Finally, there are many factors that can impede the skin’s proper hydration.

The good news is that dehydration marks can disappear with a few simple tricks that will help keep your skin healthy. Discover everything you need to do and how to structure your routine for perfect skin.

6 tricks to keep your skin hydrated and radiant

Keeping your skin hydrated, beautiful, and radiant doesn’t have to be a bugbear. In fact, there are some very simple tricks you can incorporate into your everyday life. Thus, you can prevent high temperatures, pregnancy or environmental factors from damaging your skin. Write down these tips:

Drink a lot of water

Moisturizing the skin starts from within. Therefore, to get the best result, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Water helps eliminate toxins from the body that can damage the skin’s radiance. Also , it is estimated that between 15 and 20% of the water you drink goes into your skin.

keep skin hydrated

exfoliate the skin

The second trick to keeping your skin hydrated is exfoliation, which should be done at least once a week. Why is this necessary? Because  pollution, dust particles, makeup and impurities accumulate on the skin’s surface.

All these factors cause the dehydration aspect to increase. So, in order to clean the skin deeply, it is recommended to exfoliate to eliminate the dead cells trapped in the epidermis.

You can do this with products specific to your skin type or with natural ingredients. Just remember to do only what is necessary, as excessive exfoliation has the opposite effect, which can cause irritation and increase dryness. The skin should be gently cleansed daily.

Moisturize and protect

To keep your skin hydrated try to apply lotions and creams daily, especially on the most exposed areas such as arms, knees and elbows.

The best time to do this is after a shower, as this is when the skin is moist and retains water better. Also, choose the moisturizer according to your skin type. You can also supplement with natural treatments in cases of conditions such as acne.

When it comes to protection, don’t forget to apply products that protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays. So make sure you choose the sunscreen that best suits your skin type and has at least a factor of 30.  Also, remember to use the sunscreen even in winter or on cloudy days.

rest and relax

Rest is one of the most overlooked tricks to keep your skin hydrated. When you sleep well and rest, the body goes into “repair mode”, helping to renew cells and tissue.  If it doesn’t, your skin dehydrates and accelerates the aging process.

keep skin hydrated

Have a healthy and balanced diet

Food also plays a key role in keeping your skin hydrated. The production of new cells will depend on the consumption of proteins, vitamins and minerals.

On the other hand, ingesting inappropriate fats and carbohydrates makes the body harder to digest, and this extra effort is literally felt in the skin. The ideal is to consume vegetables because of the high fiber content, which favors digestion and the expulsion of waste.

Don’t forget about vitamins

There are vitamins that directly influence skin health. They can be consumed in the form of pills or applied in products prepared with them. For example, Vitamin C serves as an antioxidant and stimulates collagen production for smooth, smooth skin.

B-complex vitamins promote the production of fibroblasts, cells that repair the skin and even hair. Vitamin A, in turn, stimulates healing.

In conclusion, these tricks to keep your skin hydrated are very simple and easy. To put them into practice, just make a few small changes to your routine. Just know your skin and apply the right products.

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