5 Stories About Parents In Love With Their Children

This cannot be denied: parents are in love with their children. Find out in this article 5 love stories between parents and children!
5 stories about parents in love with their children

My best friend told me that when she started working, right after giving birth to her daughter and watching her grow up for eight months without parting from her, she would come home right after one in the afternoon to take care of her. This was the time when they both showered, ate and lay in bed to look deeply into each other’s eyes.

They say that while you work, life outside passes by. This phrase often resonates in my head. Many parents remember the happy moments they share with their children. Therefore,  today we are going to tell 5 stories of parents in love with their children. 

the musician’s story

Joshuan Blanco has only one son, Luis Fernando. At Christmas, the boy received a running track and a small soccer field as a gift. He used both toys, the running track and the football court, for seven days. The following week,  Luis Fernando turned the running track into an electric guitar and the football court into a pedal – for the guitar. “They look like the instruments your uncle uses,” his father said. 

Since January he plays with improvised instruments every day. The boy puts the cables on the guitar and connects it to an imaginary amplifier. Every day he presents a show to his select audience: dad and mom. “ For me, it’s exciting because he’s following in our footsteps and it’s a detail I’ll never forget,” says Joshuan, who since his teens has been in a band along with his brothers.

in love with their children

i never go away

The cutest story that Nathalie Sanchéz remembers from her first child, Camila, is a conversation  in which the girl turned four years old asked her mother, “Mom, will I ever be as big as you?” See how their conversation went:

  • Nathalie replied – Yes, daughter, you will grow up and you will be great. You will become an adult.
  • -Mommy, but if I become an adult, what will you become?
  • -Well, we’ll get a little older, but you’ll grow up, get married, have your kids and come visit us all the time.
  • At that moment, Camila got teary-eyed. – But why do I have to go visit you?
  • -Because you’re going to live in a big house, you’ll have your car…
  • -But it won’t be your house.
  • -That’s right. A different house, it won’t be my house. – Camila started to cry.
  • Her mother started to question her, not understanding the girl’s reaction, why she was crying. Camila, with tears running down her cheeks, said – It’s just that I’ll always want to live with you, I don’t want you to leave me.
  • -Daughter, I’ll never leave you, you won’t want to live with me when you grow up.
  • -Of course not, that’s not true. I will always, always want to live with you.

Camila started to cry because she felt that when she grew up, her mother would throw her out of the house. This is a subject the girl still doesn’t understand, because on another occasion, when her mother mentioned the phrase “when you grow up and go away,” the little girl started crying again.

For Nathalie, this memory is very cute. And Camila is just like that: a cutie.

in love with their children

son come eat

Flávia is three years old, just completed. And two months ago, he started calling his brother “son”. His mother, Aeneid, found this fact very amusing, because she calls her eldest son “son”.

At Aeneida’s house, it is common to hear: “Son, come here. Son, come eat…Son…Son…”That’s why Flávia now repeats, when she sees her brother: “son”. And she greets him: “Hello, son”, “Son, come eat”… She calls him son because she is imitating her mother, who is now her role model.

What is it and how does it work?

in love with their children

Paulo always liked to talk through his elbows. Since he was two years old, he spoke a lot and pronounced the words correctly,  however difficult they were. It read: Parancutirimicuaro (name of a volcano in Mexico), for example.

At that age, Paulo wanted to discover the world, and to understand it, he asked questions. But, unlike the other children who asked “what is this?”,  the boy went even further. He said: “what is this and how does it work?”. His interest, above all, was focused on knowing how machines worked.

One day, when the car alarm sounded – which went off in the apartment he lives in – the boy asked: “What is this?”. His cousin, who was taking care of him at the time, replied, “The car alarm.” Then the boy asked again: “And how does it work?”

The young woman sighed and tried to be didactic. It was then that he sought out the television remote control and explained that the control sends a signal or an order at a certain distance to the device. Just as the television control changes channels or turns the TV on and off, the car control turns the car alarm on or off.

Paulo’s curiosity isn’t over yet. But he no longer asks how things work, now he’s experimenting. The boy’s parents haven’t decided what’s worse…

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