5 Sentences By Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget’s sentences remind us of the importance of natural child development through the legacy of one of the best child psychologists in history.
5 sentences by Jean Piaget

Let’s read quotes from Jean Piaget, one of the most important psychologists in history when it comes to child development. In fact, curiously, it was his children who, unintentionally, were “lab mice” for the scientist’s research.

But we must not think of Piaget’s children as guinea pigs in a laboratory. In reality, the psychologist simply watched them. From this observation, one of the most interesting theories of evolutionary psychology in modern pedagogy was born.

Who was Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget was a Swiss constructivist psychologist. Born in 1896, he studied in detail the cognitive and intellectual development of children. Such was the enormity of the results achieved that his researches are considered to have a transcendental influence on current pedagogy and evolutionary psychology.

A 1918 doctorate in biology from the University of Neuchâtel, he began working in psychological institutions in Zurich and Paris, where he collaborated with another important psychologist, Alfred Binet.

phrases by Jean Piaget

It was in 1919 when he began to develop his theories looking for the nature of knowledge. Thus, since that year, he has published several studies on child psychology, based on his research, which, in turn, was based on observation of the growth of his own children.

Among Piaget’s greatest contributions to the world of child psychology, his theory of sensorimotor intelligence stands out, which describes the development of a practical intelligence based on action based on incipient concepts.

Phrases by Jean Piaget

From now on, we are going to read and analyze a series of sentences by Jean Piaget, this wise child psychologist. In each of them is hidden a pearl of wisdom that allows us to enter the child’s world.

the discovery

Jean Piaget was a staunch advocate of natural child development. In this conception, if we go ahead and teach her before she discovers something herself, we will be preventing the child from taking her small steps. So, for the author, we should be observers and guides, but not so much teachers.

The knowledge

If we focus well on the people around us, including children, those who know the most and who have the best education, training, values ​​and intelligence are the ones who best know how to act in any situation. Thus, this is the knowledge that allowed these individuals to transform themselves until they found the right behavior for any given moment.

the child-me

Nowadays, creativity is a skill much sought after by recruiters of any type of company. However, it is a characteristic that gets lost as a person grows.

For Piaget, the best way to continue being creative is to never abandon this connection with our child-self. In this way, if we keep a certain childish view of life, we will manage not to lose that ability to invent, imagine and create that is so natural for the little ones in the house, but which is so difficult for adults.

phrases by Jean Piaget

More sentences by Jean Piaget

The intelligence

This phrase embodies one of Jean Piaget’s great maxims. The human being learns as he experiences experiences. However, in order to experiment, he must make use of his intelligence. Therefore, when there comes a point where he does not have the knowledge to continue advancing, he will have to make use of his intelligence in order to identify the best way to proceed.

The balance

What is life if not the search for balance? Sometimes we call it happiness, other times we know it as fullness. However, the case is to find that point where we are fine with our way of being, acting and dealing with problems.

These quotes by Jean Piaget show us an interesting and intelligent psychologist who has worked for years to get to know our children better. So, thanks to him, today we are able to better understand our children and raise them to be balanced adults, self-assured, and ultimately confident of their possibilities.

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