5 Relaxation Games For Kids

Relaxation games can help children improve concentration and emotional control, as well as help them better manage their feelings and make the most of their surroundings.
5 relaxation games for kids

Both at home and at school, children’s stress is increasingly evident. Many concerned mothers and teachers devise daily activities to combat this situation. Using children’s relaxation games is an extraordinary idea as it visibly helps the little ones to overcome this mood.

It is important to pay attention to the rhythm of life of children, which is derived from what is experienced by their parents. As they are small, it is not given the necessary importance to the fact that they, even if they always want to play, play or do any other activity, also need a certain harmony and calm in their lives.

Due to the fast pace of life that most families live today,  relaxation games for children emerge as an excellent option to balance the daily dynamics, for both children and adults.

These activities can be done by all family members, which also helps to strengthen bonds and establish a good relationship based on harmony.

Advantages of relaxation games for children

Strategies that can be used for an adult to relax will not be as effective for a child. For adults, a walk on the beach, a yoga class or a conversation with friends can alleviate tension.

However,  for the little ones, it is the games that help to drain all that emotional charge. Some of the advantages of this feature, when used for children, are:

  • Combats mental and muscular stress effectively.
  • Helps improve concentration and learning.
  • It brings calm and peace.
  • Reduces anxiety and panic attacks.
  • When a relaxed state is reached, sleep improves.

    For this reason, the use of relaxation games for children, in  addition to being good therapy, is also a physical stimulant for both the body and mind. It is necessary to have a wide variety of these activities so that it will always be a fun time that is expected by the little ones in the house.

    relaxation games for kids

    Games to relax the family

    1. Paint mandalas

    This technique helps to relax children, youth and adults. When painting a mandala, the two hemispheres of the brain, the right and left, work together.

    To make this activity more enjoyable, you can play soft music in the background. There are many models that can be found in brochures, magazines or websites. All we need to do is have the mandalas printed on paper so that everyone can color them to their liking.

    2. spring

    This game can bring participants into a state of relaxation by concentrating and relaxing the muscles in the body. It consists of telling a story that says that children are blocks of ice that are in a forest during the winter.

    Participants must simulate this situation. So the story will continue with the arrival of spring. Little by little, the ice starts to melt and in this way the body relaxes.

    3. Blow out the candle

    This game is based on learning to breathe deeply. The air should be slowly inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth little by little while a candle is blown out.

    The participant must maintain an upright posture and the action will be repeated each time the flame goes out. For each round, each participant must step back away from the small flame. Thus, concentration and breathing should be stronger.

    4. Knead, crush and scribble papers

    For this activity, you just need sheets of paper that will be placed on the table along with crayons and markers to be scribbled freely.

    Afterwards, these sheets must be crushed until they form a ball and then must be crushed by hand, as if they were a ball of dough. In this way, each time the hands are opened and closed, the negative energies will be drained from the children and their fine motor skills will be developed.

    Relaxation games: pretend to be a bird

    5. The turtle

    The purpose of this activity is to regulate the child’s emotions through concentration and relaxation of tensions. The little one must imagine that it is a turtle that is inside his case very calm, while observing everything around him.

    Then, the child should be instructed to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Then she should be asked to take her head off the hull and start walking slowly. Finally, the instruction is to lie down on the floor and close your eyes to rest.

    All of these activities  will help children feel more relaxed, clear their minds, and dispel negative thoughts or emotions that fill them with stress. Thus, they will be able to transform them into positive sensations for themselves and for the environment around them.

    The family, when playing together, demonstrates support in these tense moments. In this way, a calm environment is promoted to face any adversity with serenity and intelligence.

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