4 Types Of Troubled Mothers – I’m A Mom

What kind of mother are you? In this article, we will talk about a topic that may raise some doubts, but it is very real: problematic mothers. You’re one of them? Do you know how to identify them? What to do if you know one or one of them?
4 types of troubled mothers

Troubled mothers can be of many types and you can find them anywhere. Read the following tips to learn how to identify them and how to act on them.

1.The hypercompetitive mother

Of course, as a mother, you want to create the best habits in your children and make them the best people possible. There is no problem with that and, in fact, we congratulate you. Our first type of troubled mother pushes this to the limit, and you’ll recognize her because she wants everyone to do everything better than everyone else, faster and before you even ask.

The best way to deal with this mother is to avoid falling into her game. Only filter out what’s constructive from your comments and make sure your kids know it’s okay. If she makes any negative comments directly to you, be patient and respond with something nice.

Avoid getting into arguments because she won’t accept opposing opinions, and you’ll just waste time arguing with her.

2. The mother who defines herself as a specialist

troubled mothers

She gives opinions you didn’t ask for. It says what you do is not right and why. And only she knows how to do things correctly. We are talking about the second type of problem mothers: mothers who define themselves as experts. They usually have more than one child and therefore have a lot of experience as a mother.

At some point, their advice can be of great help and you get them excited. But you’ll soon see that it won’t stop and that no matter what you do, it will always be wrong.

The best way to deal with it is to listen to what you say and give your opinion. At first she will retort, but will soon give up. It’s even better if you give your opinion supported by what the pediatrician or a true specialist has said, since that way she will have fewer weapons to fight back.

3. The bad influence mother

It took you time to get your daughter to finally understand that doing homework requires turning off the television. Then one day his daughter asks permission to spend the afternoon with a friend from school. Later, when you see her back, she tells you that her friend can eat treats all day and can watch TV while she does her homework.

Upon further investigation, you find that this mother is very liberal in her education and basically lets her children do as they please. We’re talking about troubled mothers who are a bad influence.

You have two options: talk to this mother and explain your house rules, or limit your daughter’s contact with this mother. After talking and asking that when your daughter is with her, the rules can be followed, if nothing goes well, the best option is to limit the relationship.

Yes, it’s not about speaking ill of this mother or her daughter, it’s just limiting the relationship.

4. The mother who does not act

troubled mothers

The last type of troubled mother is more passive. While the hyper-competitive mother only expects the best, this one does nothing to make progress. You will recognize her because she lets her children do what they want. 

If you are in the park and see your child fighting with another child, she will not do anything or say anything to him. You won’t even be watching. Therefore, it is not uncommon for your children to lack discipline and education. She intends to be her children’s best friend and doesn’t want to cause any kind of emotional conflict. 

Your intentions are the best, but your method is not. Sometimes, it can be a very insecure person who doesn’t know how to act in complicated situations.

The best strategy for dealing with her is to talk directly about her lack of control and the problems her passivity causes. Most of the time, these mothers will receive your feedback positively and maybe ask for help if they need it.

Are you one of those troubled moms?

These four troubled mothers are extremes of healthy motherhood. Be honest and ask yourself if you are following any of these behavior patterns.

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