3 Ways To Teach A Child To Be Assertive

3 Ways to Teach a Child to Be Assertive

Assertiveness is an attribute that all children must learn in order to develop well into adulthood, but it is a characteristic that must be learned by example and with a good guide from the parents.

That is why it is necessary that all parents know what assertiveness is and why it is necessary for everyone’s lives. Teaching children to be assertive is teaching them that they can express their wants and needs without imposing them on others.

Everyone wants their children to learn to speak, express themselves, ask for help when they need it, and defend themselves and others. It is important that children learn to be confident, but at the same time know how to be able to set limits so that they can express their emotions without hurting others and achieve their goals.

Assertiveness and self-esteem

Assertiveness is closely linked with self-esteem and fear of rejection, being seen as incapable and the need to fit into a community. We cannot always be there and help our children, so they must learn to defend themselves and express themselves in society.

Children must not see their parents as their saviors, but must learn to trust them to be able to solve their problems with assertiveness. Fatherhood is about helping children so that they are able to manage the affairs of their life in society, being assertive they will be able to speak and defend themselves… the sooner we teach them to be like that, the better.

Teach the child to be assertive

Teaching children to be assertive

Children have different temperaments and some children are more shy, others more sensitive, others more outgoing… but the good news is that assertiveness is made up of skills that can be taught, do you want to teach your child to be assertive? So don’t miss any details.

be the best example

If you want your kids to learn to be assertive, the first thing you should do is think about starting with yourself. You will have to be the best role model possible so that your child will be able to copy the example. You should not be a meek person, but you should be able to defend your point of view without exalting yourself and without offending others, always respecting the other or yourself.

It is necessary that children know what are the things that are bad for you and that you will always look for the best way to defend your rights or the rights of others. But remember that you cannot expect your child to be assertive if you are not capable of being assertive.

Teach the child to be assertive

let them express their opinions

You need to let your child express their opinions whenever they need to, and if you don’t know how, you need to mentor them so that they can create a mental blueprint of what they need to convey so they can say what they need to say. But in addition to letting them express their opinions,  you must respect them and take them into account so that they know that their opinion is also valued and important to others.

create a democratic home

Discussions are held at home where all members of the house participate and their opinions are taken into account. Family home evenings should be an important part of the home and listening to your children is paramount. But listening to them does not mean that you should agree with their views, but that you should respect what they say.

When children learn to have their say at home, they will be more likely to speak up and be free to speak for themselves elsewhere. The best place for your child to learn this is at home and then you can do it outside the protection of the home.

You must ensure that all your children have the opportunity to speak and be listened to. If he has siblings who are more dominant, give time and encourage the shy ones to also speak and express their opinion.

How do you make your children able to express their emotions, their feelings and learn to be more assertive in their daily lives?

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