25th Week Of Pregnancy

25th week of pregnancy

In the 25th week of pregnancy, the fetus measures approximately 44 centimeters and weighs 660 grams.

The 25th week of pregnancy is a crucial phase for both mother and baby. At this stage, the small lungs are fully formed and the baby continues to grow. In addition, a woman’s body undergoes great changes and has various symptoms.

This week, the baby is able to open his eyes, has eyebrows, moves his tongue from side to side and his nails stand out on the fingers. He is also now able to move his body. Your head is very big compared to the rest of your body. However, little by little the little one acquires a more proportional size.

25th week of pregnancy: crucial stage for the baby

In week 25, the fetus measures 43.6 centimeters and weighs approximately 660 grams. Each baby grows at a different rate, but most measure as much by the 25th week of pregnancy. Genetics and environmental factors largely influence the growth of the little one, although this is not noticeable when they are born. As the pregnancy progresses, fluid and kidney function improve.

25th week of pregnancy

amniotic fluid

Over the weeks, the amniotic fluid becomes similar to urine. Cord blood flow and the placenta regulate the baby’s temperature. As the weeks pass, the baby begins to adopt a temperature similar to that of the mother.

brown adipose tissue

By the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby’s body begins to develop brown fatty tissue. The brown adipose tissue will allow the body to feel heat and have energy. This tissue usually appears on the chest, back and neck.

Skin Keratin Process

In the 25th week of pregnancy, the layers of skin are strengthened and the veins are less visible. The skin produces more keratin, which is more concentrated in the fetus’ hands and feet.

How does the mother’s body change this week?

In this week of pregnancy, the mother’s body has gone through many changes and the belly is very evident. Therefore, it is important that the mother wears looser clothes as the pregnancy progresses, as she will gain weight. It is essential to wear looser clothing and cotton underwear.

Problems sleeping in the 25th week of pregnancy

This week the woman’s belly will go through big changes and, often, the increase in size can make it difficult at bedtime. The baby’s movements are quite noticeable, usually at night. On the other hand, during the day, the mother’s movements perform the function of rocking, which allows the baby to sleep deeply. When the mother stops moving, the baby wakes up.

Women often have trouble sleeping. On the one hand, the belly has increased in size and the bladder is under pressure. Hormones are also to blame for this situation. Thus, the increase in estrogen alters sleep.

Gastric reflux and heartburn

It is very likely that by the 25th week of pregnancy a woman will experience reflux and heartburn in the stomach. This is because progesterone slows down digestion by relaxing the muscles. This causes gastric juice to go into the esophagus. Also, as the pregnancy progresses, the baby starts to put pressure on the stomach. When the stomach is pressed, the mother loses room for food and has stomach pains.

Gases or flatulence

In the 25th week of pregnancy, flatulence or gas is very common. Sometimes they hurt so much that they are confused with contractions. From that week onwards, it is just a short time before delivery, so it is important to pay attention to all the signs.

Swelling in legs and feet

At this stage the woman presents swelling in the feet and legs, mainly due to weight gain. Weight gain causes hormones to shift and the body’s ligaments to suffer.

25th week of pregnancy

different heart rate

The mother also has changes in heart rate. As a result, mood and emotional state can start to fluctuate dramatically. It is important for the couple to be aware of all these changes so that the parents know how to overcome this situation. Mood swings are due to hormonal changes and this is completely normal. Of course, after a woman gives birth, all hormones will settle down, as the previous symptoms are temporary.

The baby can now be clearly seen on ultrasounds

This week, the baby can be seen perfectly. Therefore, it is the ideal time to have an ultrasound. On ultrasound, it is possible to see if the baby yawns, kicks or makes any other movement. The heartbeat is very clear and therefore easily heard.

At this stage, the mother must take even more care of herself, as this is a crucial stage of pregnancy. The woman can play sports, but she must be careful. Any sudden movement can harm the baby.

The correct development of the baby depends, in large part, on the mother’s habits during pregnancy. The mother must avoid any type of addiction that could affect the baby, such as tobacco or alcoholic beverages. It is essential to be aware every day of the great responsibility of being pregnant.

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