13 Tips To Sleep Better During Pregnancy

With the big changes during pregnancy, it is quite likely that you will have difficulty sleeping. That’s why we present these tips to help you sleep better during pregnancy.

Remember that sleep is essential for your body to have the rest and relaxation necessary to give life to a new being.

Simple Steps to Sleep Better During Pregnancy

1. Avoid napping. During the first trimester of pregnancy you may spend entire days feeling temptingly drowsy. However, try not to sleep during the day to make it easier to rest at night.

2. Compensate for sleep deficiencies you have before pregnancy. Many women become pregnant at a time in their lives when they are already very sleep deficient. So, in order for you to sleep better during your pregnancy, it is recommended that you make up for those sleepless hours by going to bed earlier or getting up a little later.

3. Reduce stress and anxiety levels. Both conditions have components that affect the body and mind. Poor sleep quality can lead to some complications during childbirth. When you are tired or stressed, your muscles also get tired and do not have the necessary flexibility when giving birth.

4. Use pillows to support your body weight. It doesn’t matter which position you prefer to sleep in, but to be able to sleep better during pregnancy you will need good support . Place pillows around your body until you feel comfortable enough.

5. Essence of lavender. This plant has a pleasant fragrance that will also help to relax your body and mind. A good trick is to put some lavender essence or a sprig inside your pillow  so that the perfume stays overnight.

6. Don’t drink too much liquid after 4 pm. Pregnant women have extra weight on their bladder, which can lead to more urge to urinate. To avoid having to get up to go to the bathroom at night, drink a little fluid after 4 pm. That way your body will have time to eliminate the fluids it doesn’t need before you go to bed.

7. Hot compresses. Back pain is one of the most frequent causes of sleep problems in pregnant women. Warm up a water bag and compress your hips and back. By relieving the pain, it will be easier to sleep better during pregnancy.

8. Hot water immersion. The immersion bath with warm water will help the muscles and circulatory system to be better prepared for the time of delivery

9. Regulate your sleep schedules. Even on weekends you should follow a regular schedule so that your body adapts and gets the necessary amount of rest to function well throughout the day.

10. Eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet at bedtime. Heavy meals such as fried and spicy foods can cause difficulties in the digestive system and also become a problem getting to sleep.

11. Eat smaller portions of food throughout the day. So that you don’t have problems with your weight and with the functioning of your digestive system, it’s much more convenient to eat several times a day and in small portions  rather than three large meals that only satisfy for a while.

12. Stay away from tobacco. You should, of course, stop smoking before starting your pregnancy, but you also need to avoid any indirect contact with cigarette smoke. Women who are in contact with smoke are more likely to develop sleep problems, not to mention the breathing difficulties these substances can generate.

13. Keep moving. A 30-minute daily exercise routine will help you strengthen your body and make labor easier. Engage in physical activities such as walking, swimming, or aerobics that are low-impact exercise. If you’ve never played any sport, start with just 5 minutes a day and add another five minutes each week to 30 minutes.

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