11 Techniques To Strengthen Children’s Communication Skills

Discover these 11 techniques to strengthen children’s communication skills so they use language correctly and learn to communicate their needs at all times.
11 techniques to strengthen children's communication skills

Imagine that a small child, with a few years of life, is feeling a strong pain in a tooth, for example. She tries to let you know what’s going on, but since she hasn’t developed the language correctly, she can’t. Therefore, it is important to know some techniques to strengthen children’s communication skills.

If a child does not overcome each stage of child development with minimal language possibilities, he will have more difficulty communicating with his elders and with his peers. So when she has a problem, like the pain we talked about earlier, she will have to add to the unpleasant situation one more setback:  the frustration of not being able to report her problem properly.

However, remember that each child has their own pace. We shouldn’t pretend that a one-year-old child, for example, has an extensive vocabulary. However,  always respecting the natural development of each child, it is a good idea to support them with techniques and strategies that allow them to manage the acquisition of skills such as language.

How to strengthen children’s communication skills?

Lara Beltrán is a Speech -Language Pathologist who graduated from Red Cenit and for many years has focused on the proper development of children with language problems and limited communication skills.

techniques to strengthen children's communication skills

Remember that  the stages of child development are essential  for the development of good listening skills and a minimum level of attention.

Thus, it  is necessary to help the little ones with language stimulation. In the face of any child neurodevelopmental disorder, these stimulation techniques will be especially important.

Therefore, following your advice, we believe that these techniques that we will show you below are effective in this task.

toys and objects

The  use of toys and various objects is recommended, some of them very common. For example, a story, a book with photographs or drawings… Any of them will be useful to enhance language development.

Reinforce the child’s effort

Every time the little one makes an effort to make himself understood, we must reward and reinforce. Rather than ridicule (this should never be done), we should respond when the child makes these vocalization attempts and show that we are proud of their effort.

Be a role model to strengthen the child’s communication skills

The child needs a model of linguistic correction and language articulation. And we will be that model. We must speak slowly and clearly so that she knows what is right and what is not.

Promote the need for language

We should also encourage children’s use of language. For this, and without anticipating their needs, we must let them demand and ask for what they need.


It is important that the child reads a little every day. Stories with illustrations, tales and oral tradition, for example, help to stimulate the linguistic improvement of the little ones.


This is another simple detail that is often overlooked and is very effective. To help children improve their language and communication skills, it is interesting to use gestures and be very expressive.

Simple language to strengthen children’s communication skills

Likewise, it  is good to communicate with children through simple and colloquial language, structuring short sentences that can be well understood. With the right tone and a short speech, we can get them to pay attention and also imitate us. Therefore, we need to simplify as much as we can.

techniques to strengthen children's communication skills

Use of descriptions

While the child is doing something, such as drawing or playing with a puzzle, it is good to describe in words what he is doing. We can even take pictures that we will use later so that the little one can  identify the different activities and improve their self-knowledge, their level of understanding and their ability to describe routines.

Opportunity and time

When the child feels the need to respond, no matter how difficult it may be, we should allow the time he or she needs to speak. It is important that, even if it is difficult, she makes the effort and speaks for herself.

Use of familiar sounds

Add familiar and routine sounds, such as a door opening, a dog barking, or the doorbell. All of this will  get  your attention  and help you work on communication at a basic level.

Using music to strengthen children’s communication skills

Encourage children to enjoy music and melodies. Using simple children’s songs helps them to acquire conversational rhythm  and develop communicative fluency.

In short, these 11 techniques for strengthening children’s communication skills are just a small portion of everything you can use. The most important thing is that this is done properly, with love, empathy and patience. Gradually you will see excellent results.

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